Donation Request for the Scotts Valley Exhibit Project by Rob Edwards (8.2022)
SCAS has had a long interest (and history) with Scotts Valley and CA-SCR-177, the very early site that we (SCAS) helped mitigated in 1983. I am now chairing a SCAS Committee to redo and update the exhibit created in the 1990s. Looking back, we can see that CA-SCR-177 is a unique (and very old, 10,000+/- YBP) occupation site with an important recent storyline from the 1980s.

The 1990’s display and Charr Smith, 2-22-2022
The process of creating a new and more accessible story is underway with the support of SCAS, the City Manager’s office, and the Scotts Valley Historical Society. This process has involved many people, including muralists, exhibit preparators, cabinetmakers, electricians, artifact reproduction artists, several archaeologists, and other interested citizens. We are planning a much more accessible display aimed at the high and middle school students who are traditionally brought to see the display,

The mural of Pruistac village is shown at the Sanchez Adobe, Pacific, CA.
We hope to include a mural in the upper area by Ohlone artist, Linda Yamane, like the one she and Amy Hosa did for the Sanchez Adobe in Pacifica. The lower area will tell the other stories about the site, the behavior we can infer from the tool-making technology, the lake-side environment of so long ago, and the recent (1980s) history that provided the information to tell the old-time story.

Excavation at CA-SCR-177 w/members of the SCAS.
We have about one-quarter of the estimated needed funding on hand and a possible commitment for another portion. That means we must ask a larger public (that includes you) to gain the needed difference. Now is the time you can help. I am hoping you will help, and that you will reach out to others to chip in. SCAS, (a 501 (3) (c) organization), has set up an SV Display fund. You can donate by going to the Santa Cruz Archaeological Society webpage (, or if you are already there, click Scotts Valley donate and use CC, or PayPal, to make your donation. The donation is tax deductible.
You can donate to the Scotts Valley Exhibit Project by clicking the ‘Donate’ link below, and use PayPal, to make your donation. Or you can do it the old-fashioned way and send a check through snail-mail to Santa Cruz Archaeological Society, P.O. Box 86, Soquel, CA 95073. Please make the check out to Santa Cruz Archeological Society; the memo on check can include SV Display Fund
In either case, your donation will be appreciated and help the visitors in the future to learn about the people who lived here in Santa Cruz County in the long past of California. Thank you.