We would like to have a small celebration to mark this milestone for our Society! Please join us at the June Speaker’s Meeting to hear from Quirina Geary, Chairwoman of the Tamien Nation. Afterwards, we will serve a few refreshments. Link to June speaker event: https://www.santacruzarchsociety.org/speaker-event-quirina-luna-geary-on-collaborative-paradigms-enhancing-tribal-archaeologist-partnerships-in-cultural-heritage-protection
Where did the time go? Although The Santa Cruz Archaeological Society (SCAS) existed as a group in 1972, we did not become a non-profit until June 1974.
We are an organization that advocates for archaeology and public education and outreach, and responsibility for our county’s past. To this end, we have collaborated with other archaeological associations, historical societies, state agencies, tribal groups and other like-minded groups.
Most recently, we have been a presence at history fairs and local museum events, the Society for California Archaeology conferences, and we hold monthly (except July and August) general meetings with guest speakers. We also have occasional field trips. We are also working to renovate and reinterpret the exhibit at the City of Scotts Valley City Hall, which contains the story of the site of and excavation of CA-SCR-177 (The Scotts Valley Site) which is over 8,000 years old.
For an in-depth history of our history, please read:
Santa Cruz Archaeological Society: Fifty years of Community Activism in Santa Cruz County, Ca., Written by Rob Edwards, and found at: https://www.santacruzarchsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/SCAS-History-Final-Draft-3.16.2022.pdf